CAT-ference 2019: 8th International Urban Geographies of Post-communist States Conference

Belgrade, Sept. 25-29, 2019

International Urban Geographies of Post-communist States conferences (or CAT-ferences) are organized on a biannual basis by the Cities After Transition (CAT). CAT is a network of scholars interested in the cities and urban spaces of Central and Eastern Europe and, increasingly, beyond. It started as a small network of professional geographers, but has gradually evolved into a large multidisciplinary community of more than 300 members, including (besides geographers) sociologists, anthropologists, architects, planners and experts of other provenances.

Host institution
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Geography

Supporting institutions
University of Belgrade
Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia
Ministry of Public Administration and Local Self-Government
City of Belgrade
Serbian Geographical Society
Geographical Institute “Jovan Cvijić” of the SASA
Serbian Spatial Planners Association
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research