
Call for sessions and papers

The call for papers and organized sessions (90 minutes with 3 or 4 presentations) along these guidelines will be open from Dec. 15, 2018 until April 15, 2019.

Instructions for organizing a session

Authors are invited to submit their proposals for workshops, round tables and special sessions. The proposal should contain the title, abstract, author name(s), affiliation(s) and email address(es) of all speakers. All sessions will be reviewed by the CAT-ference organizing committee before being accepted for the conference. We will confirm acceptance of sessions by e-mail. Please send your proposals to Organisation committee e-mail address: .

Instructions for submitting a paper

Authors are invited to submit their abstracts. The number of abstracts per author is limited on two. Submission must include the presentation title, abstract (no more than 300 words, Times New Roman, 11pt), 3-4 keywords, home institution and affiliated department(s), and co-authors. After abstract evaluation, coordinators will have the chance to transfer papers between sessions where applicable. Abstracts must be submitted in online registration form, see below. Abstracts will be reviewed by Organizing Committee and acceptance will be notified by 22nd of April 2019. The abstract has to be written in English.

CAT-ference 2019 session proposals
Temporary list of proposals: